What backgammon board and set should you buy?
Playing backgammon online is a great way to improve your skills and your comprehension of the game. It is also very handy because you can find an opponent anywhere in the world almost instantly. But backgammon is still and mostly a board game that can…

Backgammon glossary : all you need to know about the backgammon vocabulary
Like other games, backgammon has a specific vocabulary that can be confusing for a new player. To avoid looking like a rookie during a backgammon discussion at your local club or on an online forum we made you a complete backgammon glossary by category. Equipment…

What are the best books about Backgammon?
Improving your backgammon skill is a long process. You have to play a lot of games in order to recognize situations and patterns over the board. Experience is the cornerstone of improvement but there is nothing wrong by getting a little help from people who…